The Praxis of Teaching Knowledge Graphs
Welcome to the second event in the PRAXIS Workshop Series. This Masterclass will be co-located with the Knowledge Graph Conference, virtually, during 3:30-5:00pm EDT May 8th, 2023.
The overarching purpose of this Masterclass is to enkindle a community that is focused on the collection, development, and curation of pedagogical best practices, and the tools that support them, for the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph communities. More concretely, we wish to:
- identify effective ways to build upon the expertise and knowledge of: developers, domain experts, and students;
- establish the importance of Semantic Web technologies to stakeholders, funders, and leadership;
- provide effective tutorials for incorporating them into an existing technology stack or workflow; and
- provide customizable learning material approachable by all audiences.
Masterclass Structure
Expert Panel
- Timm Amstein (Organizer, Moderator)
- Ora Lassila (Organizer, Panelist)
Amazon Neptune
- Cogan Shimizu (Organizer, Panelist)
Wright State University
- Nicolas Matentzoglu (Panelist, Confirmed)
- Nicole A. Vasilevsky (Panelist, Confirmed)
- Florence Hudson (Panelist, Confirmed)
- Emily Rothenberg (Alternate, Confirmed)
Seed Questions to the Panel
- What challenges do you currently see in your own education initiatives?
- What are lessons learned (or being learned) related to open-source educational material?
- What are reasonable governance structures, expectations, and outcomes for open-source educational material?
- What are characteristics of an effective one-pager which motivates knowledge graphs for a use-case?
Conference Schedule
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Room 4 (Online)